July 2013
Endorsement of Foursquare Messianic Jewish Ministries, Foursquare Rabbis Caucus
Right before our eyes, a healthy, even-handed and sensitively-spirited nucleus of Messianic Jewish ministry leaders is rising within the Foursquare Church. These pastors (“rabbis” is the proper, more culturally sensitive term to use) are men of biblical solidity and substance, spiritual and relational commitment within the Foursquare movement, and marked by a sound-minded stability in their life, character, witness and growing influence within the larger Jewish community.
I want to endorse their genuineness; at the same time, also to urge all pastoral leaders and congregations within our Foursquare fellowship to:
- Take opportunity to meet and gain acquaintance with these “family members” of ours;
- Pray for and stand in consistent support of their ministry as fellow-laborers in The Kingdom of God;
- Avail yourself of the sizeable fund of information that will assist a clear-minded, scripturally based perspective on the Holy Spirit’s move across world Jewry at this hour; and,
- Acquaint yourself with the historical foundations of an active embrace of Israel and Jews, rooted in our Foursquare Founder’s ministry.
With these points of action, may we unite as well, to take a stand for Israel today. We cannot have a casual attitude to the situation in the Middle East, for embracing Messianic Jews embraces Israel. May none of us fall prey to the muddling of history that has been framed to depict Israeli Jews as aggressors and as obstacles to Middle East peace efforts, which is a lopsided, anti-Semitic distortion. Our most discerning response should be a non-sectarian, biblically-based pattern of intercessory prayer “for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122). For more on this topic, please read Why Stand With Israel Today? | Jack Hayford Ministries.
Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor
The King’s University – Dallas/Los Angeles