Foursquare Messianic is the voice of the Messianic movement within the Foursquare family.
Our mission is to facilitate vibrant Messianic expression within Foursquare by encouraging and networking leaders and congregations.
We Seek to...
- Be a resource for those who seek to honor Paul’s admonition to send the Gospel “to the Jew first,” and to restore first century practices to their modern expression of faith in the Jewish Jesus.
- Facilitate teaching of the Jewish roots of Christianity and God’s heart for Israel.
- Share the Messianic Jewish expression of faith with the greater body of Christ in a non-legalistic way.
- Provide a place of belonging for Messianic Jews who desire a Spirit-filled experience that is still authentically Jewish in practice.
- Express our love for God within the context of Jewish life and culture.
- Counter the history of anti-Semitism and replacement theology in the church by facilitating unity and understanding between Jew and Gentile.
Our History
Foursquare Messianic began as the Foursquare Rabbis Caucus. It was launched on February 20, 2013 as a result of meetings with Foursquare Messianic rabbis and Foursquare leadership, looking for ways to increase Foursquare engagement with Israel and the Jewish people in the United States and abroad. At that time, it was mainly a network of established Messianic rabbis and pastors within Foursquare.
In 2022 it was reimagined as Foursquare Messianic as we considered our expanded vision beyond simply connecting Foursquare leaders. We have a vision of expanding resources for all members of the Foursquare family.
Our Team

- Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
- Newcastle, Washington
Hylan has been the national leader of Foursquare Messianic since its inception in 2013. Raised in Jewish homes and in pastoral ministry since 1980, Hylan and Rita have a passion for bringing unity to the body of Messiah by communicating the Messianic vision: Jews and Gentiles, one in Messiah. They have led Beit Tikvah in Newcastle, Washington since 1996.

- The Bridge Messianic Fellowship
- Boise, Idaho
Mark and Judy have been in the Messianic movement since 2004 and have had a heart for ministry since their teen years. In 2015 they pioneered The Bridge (then Kehilat Yeshua) in the Boise area of Idaho. They have a passion for seeing healthy Messianic ministry and faith within the greater church body.
Read an article by Rabbi Hylan on Foursquare.org: God’s Plan for World Missions